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提问网友 发布时间:41分钟前
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-11 16:42
Nowadays,any Chinese can enjoy the luxury of owning a private car-if he or she can afford it.Having a car of your own means no more traveling to work on crowed buses or subway trains,and you can drop off the children at school on the way.Moreover,it also means that you can enjoy the weekends and holidays better,because with a car you can go to places where the regular buses and trains go not go ,and so you can find a quiet scenic spot with no crowds.
However,there are drawbacks to owning a car.For one thing,with the increase in car ownership in recent years,the roads are becoming more and more crowded,often making the journey to work more of a nightmare than a dream.For another,it is not cheap to run a car, as the prices of gasoline and repairs are constantly rising,not to mention the prices you have to pay for a licence and insurance coverage.
Having considered both sides of the argument,I have come to the conclusion that the advantages fo owning a car outweigh the disadvantages.Therefore,it seems to me that China should increase its ouput of automobiles and enlarge the private car market.The result would be that cars would become cheaper,while at the same time the extra demand would encourage the auto instry to proce more efficient and family-oriented vehicles.


my views on the development private car ownership。的中文翻译_百度... if the car ownership is increasing continuously什么意思 氮的固定是指( )A.植物从土壤中吸收氮肥B.大豆的根瘤菌将含氮的化合物... 氮的固定是指 A.植物从土壤中吸收含氮养料 B.将空气中的氮气转变为含... 杨桃能不能煮着吃杨桃可以煮着吃吗 龙泉释到北花潭公园有那些公交车 中国的日本学校怎么处理 小米浏览器怎样导出离线视频? 黑坑钓鱼想爆护盘老板打闭口两边钓位 用什么小药? 谁能帮我想想带“景”和“玉”字组成一个好听名字 我姓吴,2007年9月23曰下午6点12分生人,姓名后必带一个景字,请问... 怎样解决苹果手机下载不了app 如何将手机上的音频复制到电脑上 苹果手机无法安装应用怎么办? 苏州乐园是偏小孩的还是全年龄段哒?,几个大人可以去玩么,哈哈_百度知 ... 质变比量变更重要 量变和质变对事物发展有什么意义量变和质变对事物发展有什么意义_百 ... ...公司核电部门,想问下工作待遇,环境,和项目地点 爱山东为什么显示后台 山东山工50铲车柴油泵后端漏油怎么办 现代服务业一般纳税人接受加工修理修配劳务或者应税服务为什么不能进项... 吉利帝豪ec7的承重是多少 Excel表格重复项如何删除 工作不开心要离职吗? 小猿智能练习本的听写和批改功能是否能有效提升孩子的学习效果? 武汉三支一扶医学卫生类包括护理吗 梦见疾风是什么意思? 梦见疾风是什么意思啊? 梦见自己在强风中跳舞,预示什么? 为什么有的人心坏,有的人心眼好 别克gl8电脑进不了系统 一个女生几年都没哭过了,也没伤心过,是不是心理有问题啊 只属于我和你 英文 系统规划法的要素有哪些 拜托告知,,舒达源苏打水有防伪标识吗? 2022年芒种节气是哪一天 公历6月6日农历五月初八 真空压缩袋封一年衣服再拿出来行吗 历史上有吕不韦吗 办公室个人工作总结模板 ...会选择那家?看着一模一样,价格不同,不知道怎么买,犹豫一天了_百度知 ...