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In The Same Space That You're In的歌词是什么?

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-29 21:44
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-30 07:10

In The Same Space That You're In的歌词是:

you were so dark when we met
now you're as light as my deathbed

and though you speak like a fiend
you just sing like an angel

i'm not longing to hold
i'm not craving to touch you

i'm just blissful to be
in the same space that you're in

i don't know why my grace is leaving
i don't know what your face is meaning
often enough i bore your aching
hoping to learn that you were faking
i don't know why my trace is leaving
i don't know what your face is meaning
often enough you bore my sorrow
hoping to catch a tear to borrow

i will be heading for your rocks
and trying to melt down the hardness
of your soul
of your soul

i was so light when we met
now i'm as dark as your deathbed

and i will never be in the same space that you're in

i don't know why my grace is leaving
i don't know what your face is meaning
often enough i bore your aching
hoping to learn that you were faking
i don't know why my trace is leaving
i don't know what your face is meaning
often enough you bore my sorrow
hoping to catch a tear to borrow

i will be heading for your rocks
and trying to melt down the hardness
of your soul
i will be heading for your rocks
and trying to melt down the hardness
of your soul
of your soul
of your soul


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