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joey moe的《Cheating》 歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-29 22:01
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 21:33
歌手:joey moe
专辑:Moe Town

Joey Moe
Saturday the show was down
I left the party with the dark of the dawn
cause i couldn't wait to go to see the things
then i saw you standing there in a whole way
watching you with your roommate
now tell me how could i forget that day
when i give you everything you want
give you everything you need
give you all of my love baby
don't you walk away from me
by oh by
oh my god
oh my~~
i caught you cheating,i saw the spring there
i hope never healing.but i am willing to forgive you
cause i am feeling that i am still believing
cause i am im prison without you by my side
give me one more try to make
if i left my body hit the ground
my hope will keep the champion down
oh baby baby baby how could you do this to me
do this to me~~
when i give you everything you want
give you everything you need
give you all of my love oh baby
don't you walk away from me by oh by
oh my god my caught you~~
i caught you cheating,i saw the spring there
i hope never healing.but i am willing to forgive you
cause i am feeling that i am still believing
cause i am im prison without you by my side
give me one more try to make
give me one more try to make
give me one more try to make
you'll see this love way
give me one more try to make
give me one more try to make
give me one more try to make
you'll see this love way
i caught you cheating,i saw the spring there
i hope never hearing.but i am willing to forgive you
cause i am feeling that i am still believing
cause i am im prison without you by my side
give me one more try to make



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