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英语作文,介绍我国的国(nationd trasure)熊猫。(从外貌,性格保护等几...

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-17 05:38
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-20 03:22
觉得行就采纳吧( 啰嗦一句:其实作文最好自己写,躲得了初一躲不了十五哈 )
The giant panda (scientific name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca), generally called "panda", is one of the world's rarest animals, quantity is very rare, belongs to the national level of protection animals, for body color of black and white alternate with, is known as "China's national treasure". The giant panda is endemic to China, the XiongKe, the existing major habitat in China's sichuan, shaanxi, and other surrounding mountains. The world wild giant panda existing only about 1590 left. Adult pandas grow about 120 ~ 190 centimeters, weight of 85 to 125 kg, adapt to the bamboo life. The giant panda childlike cute by global public's favorite, in 1961 the world natural foundation was founded in the giant panda for the logo, the giant panda has become a symbol of the most important species conservation, is China's diplomatic activities as a representative of the important friendly.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-20 03:17
Panda ( scientific name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca ), usually referred to as the" Panda", is the world's most precious animal, is very scarce, belong to the country grade one protected animal, body color is black and white, known as" a national treasure of china". The giant panda is endemic to China, belongs to bear branch, the existing main habitat in China, Shaanxi and other surrounding mountains of sichuan. The world wild giant pandas living approximately about 1590. Adult panda is about 120 ~ 190 cm, weight 85 to 125 kilograms, adapt to the bamboo-eating life. Panda cute cute around the world by the public's favorite, in 1961 the world nature foundation on the establishment of a panda as its symbol, the giant panda has become the symbol of the most important species for conservation, but also China as the diplomatic activities of the friendly important representative.


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