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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-06 01:40
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-05 09:54
  Everybody has a unforgettable day in the life.Someone was happy and someone is sad.

The Christmas e to arrive and I had to return back to Singapore after the Christmas.Hold my birthday party in the Singapore and I did not want to hold the birthday in the Singapore.So I did the birthday and Christmas together.

Next day,I went to the Christmas shop with my sister and bought any decorations for decorate my house.Then we were went to buy any gifts put in my house.There are many fruits on the table.Any words on the door that was “welcome to my house and happy Christmas”.Soon after,the whole room was decorated very beautiful by us.

In the second day was Christmas.My family was woke up very early and waiting for some people.Five minutes late,I saw my uncle and his family were coming to my house.We were very warmhearted to meet everyone.There are so many people in the house and we were very excited.Seeing all the people before my eyes,I felt that I was the happiest man in the world.

After all the people came to my house,we were went to the hotel together.Half way,we were talking and very funny.Reached to the hotel,my aunties and uncles were seat to a part. My friends and I were seat to a part.Every food and any different juice on the table.And there is a very big and nice cake on the centre of table too.We ate on the one hand and talking on the other.During that time,suddenly my mother came to our part and said the words that was “everybody must say the different congratulatory to BaiKun”.Then the first one was my sister,she was said “happy birday and happy Christmas to you”.After all person said,I felt that be grateful.Although I did not say “thank you”to my friends,I nerver forgot that words and their warmhearted.

In the evening, all people seat on the sofa and had a look Christmas TV.During that time,my uncle called me and let me went to my bedroom.He given to me the money when I was coming.As a matter of fact I knew their mean that was they wanted to let me cross was feeling better in Singapore.But I did not want to take the money and said that words to him.Seeing every one of them to give me the money,I wanted to cry.My grandmother was older and she given to me the one hundred.Although the money was a little,I felt the gift was very heavy and valuable.I must will keep these money until to work.But I also will requite for their good heart.I was loyalty said the words to him.Thank you!

That was an unforgettable Christmas.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-05 09:55
  Everybody has a unforgettable day in the life.Someone was happy and someone is sad.

The Christmas e to arrive and I had to return back to Singapore after the Christmas.Hold my birthday party in the Singapore and I did not want to hold the birthday in the Singapore.So I did the birthday and Christmas together.

Next day,I went to the Christmas shop with my sister and bought any decorations for decorate my house.Then we were went to buy any gifts put in my house.There are many fruits on the table.Any words on the door that was “welcome to my house and happy Christmas”.Soon after,the whole room was decorated very beautiful by us.

In the second day was Christmas.My family was woke up very early and waiting for some people.Five minutes late,I saw my uncle and his family were coming to my house.We were very warmhearted to meet everyone.There are so many people in the house and we were very excited.Seeing all the people before my eyes,I felt that I was the happiest man in the world.

After all the people came to my house,we were went to the hotel together.Half way,we were talking and very funny.Reached to the hotel,my aunties and uncles were seat to a part. My friends and I were seat to a part.Every food and any different juice on the table.And there is a very big and nice cake on the centre of table too.We ate on the one hand and talking on the other.During that time,suddenly my mother came to our part and said the words that was “everybody must say the different congratulatory to BaiKun”.Then the first one was my sister,she was said “happy birday and happy Christmas to you”.After all person said,I felt that be grateful.Although I did not say “thank you”to my friends,I nerver forgot that words and their warmhearted.

In the evening, all people seat on the sofa and had a look Christmas TV.During that time,my uncle called me and let me went to my bedroom.He given to me the money when I was coming.As a matter of fact I knew their mean that was they wanted to let me cross was feeling better in Singapore.But I did not want to take the money and said that words to him.Seeing every one of them to give me the money,I wanted to cry.My grandmother was older and she given to me the one hundred.Although the money was a little,I felt the gift was very heavy and valuable.I must will keep these money until to work.But I also will requite for their good heart.I was loyalty said the words to him.Thank you!

That was an unforgettable Christmas.


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