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求一首歌副歌部分歌词反复唱wrong wrong wrong,男声,节奏挺轻快的

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-04 20:08
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 22:42
你说的是不是sarah connor的《Just one last dance》啊!主歌部分是女的唱的,副歌部分是男声。
你试听看看,这首歌也和你说的蛮像的,不过不是 wrong wrong wrong而是 turn round and round and round ,而且升了调,很亢奋的那种
呵呵…… 希望能帮助你!
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 22:42
The wrong song

This song right here
is for all those ladies out there
that be wearing stuff they know they aint got no business in
huh, yeah, the big girls, ya'll know what I'm talking about
Let's go...

For all ya'll girls eating sandwiches
ground truck in bread, you call em manwiches
to a man's eyesight that's damaging
why you wear a thong when it's vanishing?

You like to dine at the fast food spots
McD's, BK, Jack in the Box
not just one meal ya'll like a lot
got the nerve to drink a diet cola

I can't tell your butt from your gut, gut, gut
*** looks just like your front, front
sorry I'm so blunt, blunt, blunt

Let me say it again
I can't tell your butt from your gut, gut, gut
*** looks just like your front, front
wearing them thongs
girl you know you're wrong

In Background - ( Look at all your fat rows, da da da
Busting out of tight clothes, da da da
Look at all your fat rows, da da da )

Baby, you're wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong
look at all your fat rows
busting out of tight *** clothes (da, da, da)
You're wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong

Look at you with your double chins
You got high blood pressure, need medicine
You try to diet, but you just can't stop
You need a refrigerator lock
You go to the store even more to shop
run to the food and your belly flops
*** looks just like a bag of rocks
You need a monkey that has ebola

I can't tell your butt from your gut, gut, gut
*** looks just like your front, front
wearing them thongs
girl you know you're wrong

In Background - ( Look at all your fat rows, da da da
Busting out of tight clothes, da da da
Look at all your fat rows, da da da )

Baby, you're wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong
look at all your fat rows
busting out of tight *** clothes (da, da, da)
You're wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong

In Background - ( Look at all your fat rows, da da da
Busting out of tight clothes, da da da
Look at all your fat rows, da da da )

You're wrong, baby, you're wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong
(da, da, da)..baby...(da, da, da) .. wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.....
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 22:43
justin的what goes around
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 22:43
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 22:44


...听到一首歌,沙哑低沉的男声,不像英文,副歌部分重复类似“哈利路亚... ...的很high的一首说唱,中间有男女一起唱的呐呐呐呐,呐呐呐呐呐~_百度... ...里面有句歌词是“太 太太 太过...”..的忘记了.是首粤语歌来的... ...什么生死!请问下各位大佬!这是什么歌!叫啥名! ...中文男声,旋律及歌词有:啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦!啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦 ... 粤语歌,男的,感觉好像是beyond唱的,高潮的歌词好像是:伤心纷飞雨中 老... 求一首歌,中文歌,歌词记得有啦啦啦啦啦(最后一个啦第三声),啦啦啦啦啦... 如何唱好信乐团的海阔天空? 海阔天空怎么唱的好 ...歌词有:呀beautiful,呀beautiful,呀beautiful ...一句一直重复着:呀 beautiful 呀beautiful ···很悠闲的一首歌... 求一首英文歌歌词有:呀beautiful 呀beautiful 呀beauti... ...用高潮开头的,开头“XXXX XX 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦”, ...歌,开头是什么什么beautiful ,中间有唱啦啦啦啦啦。谢谢帮下忙。sds... 2019年户籍在吐鲁番可以考乌鲁木齐的高中吗? 只听到了高潮的歌词,求歌名。 男生唱的 节奏很快,歌词如下: 我们 ...最好网名有我们名字的一个字!她的是欣字! 我的是汉字! 网名要幸福... 仿似天地只剩我跟你 忘却了生死,粤语歌,我只记得这1句,很模糊。 ...是个女的唱的 高潮部分是“啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦”好像是中... ...名字.歌词里面有一句:{深深的背影}。好似系张学友唱的。 大学谈了多个对象影响考研政审吗 考研究生政审审什么 研究生考公本科期间的实习可以举报吗 风里雨里老蓑衣,一把泪水分江西,有心要把江沿离,舍不得一碗干饭一晚鱼... 粤语老歌歌词中有一句歌词叫“风中的雨水”的是什么歌名?是男歌手唱... 就是爱你爱着你是什么歌就是爱你爱着你歌词全文 死心不改的歇后语是什么。 ...女:萍。同音、谐音的成语组合、歇后语、俗语等,先谢了 人参的功效与作用是什么人参的主要功效 人参什么功效人参的作用 50斤狗狗吃三颗驱虫药可以么 一年内第二次强制修改 福建中考辅导方向有哪些 广播音乐里听到首歌,只记得歌词有一句是很安静,很不平静,男生唱的,求... 一年改2次的办法 小肠扩张积液是什么意思? 一年内强制改二次方法 怎么在一年内修改两次 今天在自动存款机上存钱,钱没到帐,票据出来了没写金额,卡也退了,后... 湖南娄底有没有到珠海船汽车?