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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-04 11:32
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-19 23:48
As is depicted in the cartoon.there are two handicapped men supporting each other:one is lame in the left leg, while the other in the other in the right.They have overcome their difficulty of lameness by cooperating with each other and are successfully going on with their journey. the caption below the picture says,"You have only only one leg, and so do I .Helping each other,we can travel wherever we want."
The picture really sets me thinking. It manifests the importance of cooperation and the necessity of keeping in step with each other.There are a lot of examples to illustrate the issue.Of them ,the most obvious one is the case with war on earthquake in 2008.At that time the whole country was plagued by earthquake.But led by our government ,people from all walks of life in the society were mobilized and united as one.Clearly,it was the cooperation through which we won the victory over the earthquake.
In my opinion, the dependence of people on one another has now increased, without which the society we live iin cannot keep going smoothly. In short, cooperation has become a driving force for the development of our country.


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