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提问网友 发布时间:2024-03-07 08:04
热心网友 回答时间:2024-03-31 04:55
In china. The implementation of family planning policy has been for many years. I think this is necessary. It is a good method of population control. Also reduce a lot of burden for many families. At the same time, now exceed the standard population of the earth is also a good thing. But. On the other hand, Now young people less and less. An aging population. For the country's development is not a good thing. But in general. It on the development of the whole society is good.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-03-31 04:59
In China. Implement the policy of family planning has been for many years. I think this is necessary. This is a good way to control population. For many families also reduce a lot of burden. For earth's population is now overweight at the same time also is a good thing. But. On the other hand. Less and less teenagers now. An ageing population. This is not a good thing for the country's development. But on the whole. It is good for the development of the society as a whole.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-03-31 04:58
The One-child policy has been implemented in China for over decades. In my opinion, the policy is quite necessary and also benificial in terms of controling the population growth. It can not only ease the financial burden on normal household but also prevent the planet earth from over-populating. However, the policy does generate an aging population which could be detrimental to the development of the country. But I still believe that overall, it has more pros than cons.


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