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提问网友 发布时间:2023-10-28 07:34
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 12:31
On New Year's day, people eat mplings. However, behind these mplings, do you know why Chinese mplings are eaten on New Year's day?
There are 3 reasons:
1. ancient people attach importance to worship, it is customary to eat mplings after sacrifice, meaning more year old to pay. Because the mpling is a homonym for "Jiaozi", with the blessing of the mean.
2. mplings shaped like gold, meaning the felicitous wish of making money. It's best to eat mplings to wish the new year on New Year's day.
3. mplings stuffing, people can use many kinds of ingredients wrapped in dough, proces many kinds of auspicious blessings.
From the article,do you know the answer about why do we eat the mplings on New Year's Day.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 12:32
On New Year's day, people eat mplings. However, behind these mplings, do you know why Chinese mplings are eaten on New Year's day?
There are 3 reasons:
1. ancient people attach importance to worship, it is customary to eat mplings after sacrifice, meaning more year old to pay. Because the mpling is a homonym for "Jiaozi", with the blessing of the mean.
2. mplings shaped like gold, meaning the felicitous wish of making money. It's best to eat mplings to wish the new year on New Year's day.
3. mplings stuffing, people can use many kinds of ingredients wrapped in dough, proces many kinds of auspicious blessings.
From the article,do you know the answer about why do we eat the mplings on New Year's Day.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 12:33
and to feel the moment of dancing,


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