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提问网友 发布时间:2023-10-28 23:16
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 02:43
My name is YY, third from xx City High School, normal level of my English better, but because of the tension test result in this test did not play to their level. Because not satisfied with the status quo, but also want to try to challenge some of the things had never thought about, it took part in the examination, in order to access to learning opportunities for your school
I usually like to watch TV, write articles on the network, but also very concerned about the news, leisure-time favorite of Chinese chess and international chess
My father is a research institute of engineers, my mother's place of business in shopping malls, we are 3 homes
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 02:44
My name is YY, third from xx City High School, normal level of my English better, but because of the tension test result in this test did not play to their level. Because not satisfied with the status quo, but also want to try to challenge some of the things had never thought about, it took part in the examination, in order to access to learning opportunities for your school
I usually like to watch TV, write articles on the network, but also very concerned about the news, leisure-time favorite of Chinese chess and international chess
My father is a research institute of engineers, my mother's place of business in shopping malls, we are 3 homes




热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 02:44
I call YY, from the xx city third Senior middle school, my English proficiency is usually good, but because takes a test the time to cause in this test not to display own level anxiously. Because dissatisfied present situation, but hoped that oneself may attempt challenged some have thought before never the matter, therefore participated in this test, obtained in order to goes to your school study opportunity I usually to like watching the television, wrote an article in the network, simultaneously also cared about the news, idle Yu Shi under liked the Chinese chess and chess my father is research institute's engineer, my mother is the market shop employee, we were three-person family
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 02:45


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