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提问网友 发布时间:2023-11-19 23:07
热心网友 回答时间:2023-12-03 08:39
My future house is wide and spacious.It contains a lot of room such as swim pool,exercise room which contains a plenty of exercise machines,and a big play land so I can play inside the house no matter what time i play,it always open for me.
Everything inside the house will be clean of themselves so I don't have to wash them.The tables are new,the puter is the coolest and the tv channels are enjoyable to watch.I want the background of the wall is mysterious and pretty and different in every single room.
My future house will prevent the volcano blow and the tsunami or flood attack.It has the emergency exit and security alarm so everything will be safe!
When I stepped out of the lift afterwork tonight,I *** ell something *** oky from one of the flats...When I opened the door,IT"S FROM MY HOUSE !I saw my bun bun playing with my daughter with laugh and with SMOKE !My bun bun,after starting heating the soup,went to play with my daughter there and forgot the stop the fire.She didn't even notice that there was so *** oky !I want to ask for your advice :What will you do after this Give her warning Penalty or fire her
Sometimes she 's impolite,emotional,daydreaming,but actually all of these are improving.However,she almost put my house on fire today !What should I do


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