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提问网友 发布时间:2023-10-20 06:28
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 17:45
When I was growing up on the road every day many things happened, they just like the stars, in my heart glow. Today, a shining star in my mind across the years. This morning, I went to grandmother's home on vacation, but the aunt but her two-year-old son of a small semi-Kin to the grandmother's home, so that grandmother custody. Happened, something grandmother in the body, then to me Xiaojian. Before leaving grandmother told me: "When good small nanny, good kids." Doudou children is not it? Easy one I agreed. Who knows, beyond my expectation, when a small nanny is not easy. Grandmother left, the same trouble as the waves keep coming to me. You can see the little guy to make a mess of toys, a pile of East and West one, not five minutes to play and something to eat. Really no way to get him! I can only busy in the house lost in a fog. The worst thing is he has to urinate, and Montreal are the cousin's masterpiece - "children's urine," which under the busy I opened, for pants, dragged to ... ... to see if he is the aunt of the baby son, I not hard to beat him so strange. "To be good in small Nanny." Grandmother's words echoed in my ears constantly. How can small when a good nanny? Funny? Scared? Will not work. Need to find new ways to complete the mandate entrusted to me by grandmother, I secretly determined.



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