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关于反腐败的英语作文及翻译 150字左右11

提问网友 发布时间:2023-10-20 06:06
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 11:41
The word of anti-corruption,you may have heard of,but not too deep understanding of the word,not a good thing,but the word is only for some corrupt officials did and said about,with the best two words to express it.Only:corruption,corruption.
The first says corruption,anti-corruption depend on the rule of law,is decided by the nature of law.Law reflects the will of the people,the essence of corruption is power entrusted by the people is not properly exercise,thus against the will of the people behavior.To solve the problem of corruption fundamentally,we must ensure the power according to the will of the people to exercise,the basic outlet lies in improving the level of legal system of socialist democracy.Besides,clean,honest,diligent and honest,most can express the meaning of integrity.Let me tell you a story:
Not long ago,I have seen such a story,reporter Zhang Ming came home from work,called his wife to do dinner early,say to want to go to the movies,the wife was surprised,you a person to see what movie,the 10 year old son heard their conversation,also clamoring to go.Zhang Ming said,this is the unit made the movie,is a corruption of the film.Zhang Ming wife listened with interest,said:"the anti-corruption campaign,I also want to see." But only a movie ticket ah,how to do?So he thought units some people may not see,called Wang,Wang like to surf the Internet,probably can't go,but Wang said she gave her ticket to someone,then Zhang Ming to Liu,big Liu Xihuan dance,probably can't go,but he said he would go to see,has the ecation significance of this the film,which can not see ah?Zhang Ming went to the old money to say nothing,old money at night,go to the cinema along for the ride,asked 3,Zhang Ming think,just ask,three strikes.But the wife not promised ah,go and see not,so when they talk fast screening of films such as the ticket to go into the cinema,then some of the loose,if allowed,would not see.


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