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大哥大姐们 拜托拜托 帮小妹翻译一段话1

提问网友 发布时间:2023-10-20 06:06
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 20:11
Patience is the key to success, patience is a test of the success. A wise man once said: "If you do not have enough patience to wait for success, then you should be prepared to be patient to face a lifetime of failure." To be succeed, patience is one of the necessary conditions. If you do not have enough patience, and work hard , then you would pass the success.You can only face the failure of whole life with sufficient patience . Therefore, we should be patient to everything.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 20:12
The patience is a successful key, the patience is a successful test.A wiser once said:"If you have no enough of the patience wait for success, so you will prepare the failure that enough patience faces a lifetime."To want to achieve success the patience is one of essential conditions.Were it not for enough of patience, optimism firmly makes great effort, so meeting and successfully wipe a shoulder but lead.Can be faced life failure with enough patience.Therefore, we should patiently of treat each affair.我就只能这样翻译了
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 20:12
Patience is the key to success, patience is a test of the success. A wise man once said: "If you do not have enough patience to wait for success, then you should be prepared to be patient to face a lifetime of failure." To be succeed, patience is one of the necessary conditions. If you do not have enough patience, and work hard , then you would pass the success.You can only face the failure of whole life with sufficient patience . Therefore, we should be patient to everything.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 20:13
Patience is the key to success, patience is a test of the success. A wise man once said: "If you do not have enough patience to wait for success, then you should be prepared to be patient to face a lifetime of failure." To succeed, patience is one of the necessary conditions. If there is not enough patience, optimism determined effort with, then they would pass by and success. Only with sufficient patience to face the failure of his life. Therefore, we should be patient when dealing with everything.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 20:14
Patience is the key to success, patience is a test of the success. A wise man once said: "If you do not have enough patience to wait for success, then you should be prepared to be patient to face a lifetime of failure." To succeed, patience is one of the necessary conditions. If there is not enough patience, optimism determined effort with, then they would pass by and success. Only with sufficient patience to face the failure of his life. Therefore, we should be patient when dealing with everything.


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