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如何为SQL Server表数据生成insert脚本

提问网友 发布时间:2023-11-11 06:32
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 07:36
使用SQL Server数据库自带的“生成SQL脚本”工具,可以生成创建表、视图、存储过程等的SQL脚本。那么,能否将表中的数据也生成为SQL脚本,在查询分析器中执行这些脚本后自动将数据导入到SQL Server中呢?答案是肯定的,示例如下:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.OutputData @tablename sysname AS declare @column varchar(1000) declare @columndata varchar(1000) declare @sql varchar(4000) declare @xtype tinyint declare @name sysname declare @objectId int declare @objectname sysname declare @ident int set nocount on set @objectId=object_id(@tablename) if @objectId is null -- 判断对象是否存在 begin print @tablename + '对象不存在' return end set @objectname=rtrim(object_name(@objectId)) if @objectname is null or charindex(@objectname,@tablename)=0 begin print @tablename + '对象不在当前数据库中' return end if OBJECTPROPERTY(@objectId,'IsTable') < > 1 -- 判断对象是否是表 begin print @tablename + '对象不是表' return end select @ident=status&0x80 from syscolumns where id=@objectid and status&0x80=0x80 if @ident is not null print 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT '+ @TableName + ' ON' --定义游标,循环取数据并生成Insert语句 declare syscolumns_cursor cursor for select c.name,c.xtype from syscolumns c where c.id=@objectid order by c.colid --打开游标 open syscolumns_cursor set @column='' set @columndata='' fetch next from syscolumns_cursor into @name,@xtype while @@fetch_status <> -1 begin if @@fetch_status <> -2 begin if @xtype not in(189,34,35,99,98) --timestamp不需处理,image,text,ntext,sql_variant 暂时不处理 begin set @column=@column + case when len(@column)=0 then '' else ',' end + @name set @columndata = @columndata + case when len(@columndata)=0 then '' else ','','',' end + case when @xtype in(167,175) then '''''''''+'+@name+'+''''''''' --varchar,char when @xtype in(231,239) then '''N''''''+'+@name+'+''''''''' --nvarchar,nchar when @xtype=61 then '''''''''+convert(char(23),'+@name+',121)+''''''''' --datetime when @xtype=58 then '''''''''+convert(char(16),'+@name+',120)+''''''''' --smalldatetime when @xtype=36 then '''''''''+convert(char(36),'+@name+')+''''''''' --uniqueidentifier else @name end end end fetch next from syscolumns_cursor into @name,@xtype end close syscolumns_cursor deallocate syscolumns_cursor set @sql='set nocount on select ''insert '+@tablename+'('+@column+') values(''as ''--'','+@columndata+','')'' from '+@tablename print '--'+@sql exec(@sql) if @ident is not null print 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT '+@TableName+' OFF' 调用时 exec OutputData 'myuser' 其中myUser中当前数据库中存在的表。 另外方丈的: drop proc proc_insert go create proc proc_insert (@tablename varchar(256)) as begin set nocount on declare @sqlstr varchar(4000) declare @sqlstr1 varchar(4000) declare @sqlstr2 varchar(4000) select @sqlstr='select ''insert '+@tablename select @sqlstr1='' select @sqlstr2=' (' select @sqlstr1= ' values ( ''+' select @sqlstr1=@sqlstr1+col+'+'',''+' ,@sqlstr2=@sqlstr2+name +',' from (select case -- when a.xtype =173 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar('+convert(varchar(4),a.length*2+2)+'),'+a.name +')'+' end' when a.xtype =104 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(1),'+a.name +')'+' end' when a.xtype =175 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'replace('+a.name+','''''''','''''''''''')' + '+'''''''''+' end' when a.xtype =61 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'convert(varchar(23),'+a.name +',121)'+ '+'''''''''+' end' when a.xtype =106 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar('+convert(varchar(4),a.xprec+2)+'),'+a.name +')'+' end' when a.xtype =62 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(23),'+a.name +',2)'+' end' when a.xtype =56 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(11),'+a.name +')'+' end' when a.xtype =60 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(22),'+a.name +')'+' end' when a.xtype =239 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'replace('+a.name+','''''''','''''''''''')' + '+'''''''''+' end' when a.xtype =108 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar('+convert(varchar(4),a.xprec+2)+'),'+a.name +')'+' end' when a.xtype =231 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'replace('+a.name+','''''''','''''''''''')' + '+'''''''''+' end' when a.xtype =59 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(23),'+a.name +',2)'+' end' when a.xtype =58 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'convert(varchar(23),'+a.name +',121)'+ '+'''''''''+' end' when a.xtype =52 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(12),'+a.name +')'+' end' when a.xtype =122 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(22),'+a.name +')'+' end' when a.xtype =48 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(6),'+a.name +')'+' end' -- when a.xtype =165 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar('+convert(varchar(4),a.length*2+2)+'),'+a.name +')'+' end' when a.xtype =167 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'replace('+a.name+','''''''','''''''''''')' + '+'''''''''+' end' else '''NULL''' end as col,a.colid,a.name from syscolumns a where a.id = object_id(@tablename) and a.xtype <>189 and a.xtype <>34 and a.xtype <>35 and a.xtype <>36 )t order by colid select @sqlstr=@sqlstr+left(@sqlstr2,len(@sqlstr2)-1)+') '+left(@sqlstr1,len(@sqlstr1)-3)+')'' from '+@tablename -- print @sqlstr exec( @sqlstr) set nocount off end go drop proc proc_insert go create proc proc_insert (@tablename varchar(256)) as begin set nocount on declare @sqlstr varchar(4000) declare @sqlstr1 varchar(4000) declare @sqlstr2 varchar(4000) select @sqlstr=select insert +@tablename select @sqlstr1= select @sqlstr2= ( select @sqlstr1= values ( + select @sqlstr1=@sqlstr1+col++,+ ,@sqlstr2=@sqlstr2+name +, from (select case -- when a.xtype =173 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(+convert(varchar(4),a.length*2+2)+),+a.name +)+ end when a.xtype =104 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(1),+a.name +)+ end when a.xtype =175 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +++replace(+a.name+,,) + ++ end when a.xtype =61 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +++convert(varchar(23),+a.name +,121)+ ++ end when a.xtype =106 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(+convert(varchar(4),a.xprec+2)+),+a.name +)+ end when a.xtype =62 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(23),+a.name +,2)+ end when a.xtype =56 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(11),+a.name +)+ end when a.xtype =60 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(22),+a.name +)+ end when a.xtype =239 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +++replace(+a.name+,,) + ++ end when a.xtype =108 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(+convert(varchar(4),a.xprec+2)+),+a.name +)+ end when a.xtype =231 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +++replace(+a.name+,,) + ++ end when a.xtype =59 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(23),+a.name +,2)+ end when a.xtype =58 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +++convert(varchar(23),+a.name +,121)+ ++ end when a.xtype =52 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(12),+a.name +)+ end when a.xtype =122 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(22),+a.name +)+ end when a.xtype =48 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(6),+a.name +)+ end -- when a.xtype =165 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +convert(varchar(+convert(varchar(4),a.length*2+2)+),+a.name +)+ end when a.xtype =167 then case when +a.name+ is null then null else +++replace(+a.name+,,) + ++ end else null end as col,a.colid,a.name from syscolumns a where a.id = object_id(@tablename) and a.xtype <>189 and a.xtype <>34 and a.xtype <>35 and a.xtype <>36 )t order by colid select @sqlstr=@sqlstr+left(@sqlstr2,len(@sqlstr2)-1)+) +left(@sqlstr1,len(@sqlstr1)-3)+) from +@tablename -- print @sqlstr exec( @sqlstr) set nocount off end go --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 小干部的: create proc spgeninsertsql @tablename as varchar(100) as --declare @tablename varchar(100) --set @tablename = orders --set @tablename = eecation declare xcursor cursor for select name,xusertype from syscolumns where (id = object_id(@tablename)) declare @f1 varchar(100) declare @f2 integer declare @sql varchar(8000) set @sql =select insert into + @tablename + values( open xcursor fetch xcursor into @f1,@f2 while @@fetch_status = 0 begin set @sql =@sql + + case when @f2 in (35,58,99,167,175,231,239,61) then + case when + @f1 + is null then else end + else + end + replace(isnull(cast( + @f1 + as varchar),null),,) + case when @f2 in (35,58,99,167,175,231,239,61) then + case when + @f1 + is null then else end + else + end + char(13) + , fetch next from xcursor into @f1,@f2 end close xcursor deallocate xcursor set @sql = left(@sql,len(@sql) - 5) + + ) from + @tablename print @sql exec (@sql)


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