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求英语高手翻译啊 在线等3

提问网友 发布时间:2023-10-20 06:47
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-18 00:35



Harbin, capitol of Hei Long Jiang province in north east China, has also been called "ice city" for its long winter and short summer. When being mentioned, Harbin leaves people a first impression of beautiful snow and nippy weather. As a result, many tourists would come here in winter for the ice sculpture, ice lantern and snowman. Beside, Harbin also has many tourist interests in summer like sun island park, tiger zoo and polar museum. Allowed by an opportunity of traveling there, the mesmerizing scenery and the enthusiasm of natives, I believe, will make you linger.

As for Jilin university, one of the best ten universities in China, has more majors and flooring areas than others. It has six campuses in Changchun, of which the south campus is the biggest one with nearly an-hour-way to cross from east to west. For this reason, many people describe the vast area of Jilin university by saying Changchun city in Jilin university rather than Jilin university in Changchun. If time's available, you are welcome to have a walk in Jilin University.

Our major is a special one, emphasizing more on practice than theory. In most courses, we stay in recording studio to improve our pronunciation. So it is interesting and not boring at all. Of cause, our school also attachesgreat importance on students' self-cultivation by offering other courses like journalism and communication study.

热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-18 00:35

Harbin is the provincial capital of Heilongjiang province, location in the northeast of China. it's called the Ice city because the weather here has long winter and short summer. people would always remember the snow and the cold weather at the first time, because of this, there will be many visitors every year to visit the ice sculpture, ice lantern, and the snowman. but, Harbin have many landscapes that could visit in the summer time, such as the Sun Island Park, the Tiger Park, Polar Region Museum, ect. if you have a chace to visit Harbin, i bet you'll probably love the beautiful views and the hospitality of Harbins.




热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-18 00:36
1. Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province, is located in the northeast of China and is also called ice city because of the weather which has long winter with short summer. When we talked about Harbin, the first impression it gives us is beautiful ice and snow and the cold weather. So in winter, many visitors come here in order to enjoy the ice engraving, ice-lantern festival and snowman. However in summer, many scenic spots still can attract many visitors, such as Sun Island Park, Sriracha Tiger Zoo, polar region and so on. If you have chance to travel to Harbin, I believe that you will full in love with the city for the beautiful views and passionate people.
2. Jilin university is one of the best ten universities and also is the most one by subject, the biggest one by land area in China. It has 6 campuses in Changchun. The south school is the biggest one among these and it takes almost half hour to walk from the east to the west. Therefore, many people agree that Jilin university locating in Changchun city rather than Changchun city locating in Jilin university to describe the large area of Jilin university. If you have time, please walk around Jilin University. Welcome you!
3. Our profession is a special major. It pay more attention in practice rather than theory and most course ask us to do sound recording and correct pronunciation issue we can find in studio. Therefore, it is very interesting and not boring. At the same time, our school focuses on our own quality and we also need to study journalism, communication and so on.


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