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提问网友 发布时间:2024-05-04 22:47
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-04 22:49
  Today, the phone into the tens of thousands of households, do you know who invented the telephone?
  who is the inventor of the telephone. He was born in the UK in 1847, when young, with his father in deaf ecation, had wanted to make a kind of let the deaf use the eyes to see the sound machine.
  the United States became professor of Boston University Baer, began to study in the same line to transmit many telegraph device -- multiple telegraph, and germination using current to the human voice is transmitted to the remote idea, make numerous hills and streams are separated by people like to talk face to face. Then, Baer began a phone research.
  It was in June 2, 1875, Baer and his assistant Watson respectively in the two room test multiple telegraph, an accidental incidents inspired Baer. Watson room Telegraph has a spring stick to the magnet, Watson opened the spring, spring has vibration. At the same time, Baer was surprised to find his room telegraph machine on the spring vibration, also makes a sound, is the current vibration from one room to another room. Baer's idea was wide open, he thus think: if people on the piece of iron to iron, sound will cause vibration; if the iron is placed behind a piece of magnet, iron sheet vibration inevitably in the electromagnet coil to generate big small current. The fluctuation of current along the wire to the distant, distant similar device does not happen the same vibration, do the same thing? That sound along the wire spread far away. This is not the dream of phone!
  Baer and Watson by new ideas made the telephone. In one experiment, a drop of sulfuric acid splashed onto Baer's lap, hurts him shouting:" Mr. Watson, I need you, please come here!" This sentence by telephone through a wire to Watson 's ears, call success! In March 7, 1876, Baer became the invention of the telephone patent.
  The life of Baer received 18 patents, and cooperation with others obtained 12 patents. He conceived of telephone lines are buried underground, or suspension in the air, it is connected to the housing, villages, factories ... ... In this way, any place can directly call. Today, Baer's vision has already become a reality.


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