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Dwight Sills&Jeff Lorber的《Back Seat》 歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-05-09 07:59
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 09:27
歌曲名:Back Seat
歌手:Dwight Sills&Jeff Lorber
专辑:Def Jazz

Title: Driving East - Backseat
Artist: Driving East
⊙ш⊙ coolybyb from ECNU 友情制作
This conversations way to tired,
For getting bored your wasting my time,
I thought you had so much potential,
And I could read your mind,
a capital that is,
tonight I promise to not leave,
this story has a happy ending,
As we say our last goodbyes,
I can see the look that's in your eyes,
you're staring back, you're staring back, you're looking back my way,
Then it's you and me in the back of the seat,
with your head down if you know what I mean,
singing, whoa, whoa, there's something special about this girl,
You're out of clock, I'm out of time,
the last place I'm looking into your eyes,
it's striking down with your precision,
so here's a treat on me that will knock you off your feet,
last call before I start to scream!
because I have so much potential,
As we say our last goodbyes,
I can see the look that's in your eyes,
you're staring back, you're staring back, you're looking back my way,
Then it's you and me in the back of the seat,
with your head down if you know what I mean,
singing, whoa, whoa, there's something special about this girl,
Then it's you and me in the back of the seat,
with your head down if you know what I mean,
singing, whoa, whoa,
I think that it's time for me to be moving along,
While you're sitting alone,
Will you think of me?
is it hard to breathe on your own?
And it's you and me in the back of the seat
with your head down if you know what I mean
Then it's you and me in the back of the seat,
with your head down if you know what I mean,
singing, whoa, whoa, there's something special about this girl
Then it's you and me in the back of the seat,
with your head down if you know what I mean,
singing, whoa, whoa, there's something special about this girl



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