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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-28 08:01
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-28 12:13

: 1,我们都是中国公民,国家有责任让我们过上一个更好的生活
We are all Chinese Citizens.Our country has the responsibility to make us a bettle life

家(所谓的含义就是英文home与house的区别,这里我们要抓字眼)有很多种含义,不单只是一个物质性的家,可以是精神上的家,给予无家可归的人感受到家的温暖。Home(Home is different from house), there is many different meanings.not only a physically home,it can be a spirit home,can bring the warm of home to those homeless people

The world is still beauty with most good man.Pls don’t argue with those homeless people and let our world to be more pretty

The government should call more people to accept those homeless people, meanwhile, government can give them an area and offer jobs for them to let them earn their own livings

The country should adjust the redistribution and improve the citizens’ welfare
What we mean to increase welfare is not to increase tax, Our meaning is to make the interior adjustment of incoming distribtion more sense
The sitution in china now is: many people work hard whole life but can’t afford a house,if those homeless can get a house without paying any cost, it will be unfair for most people
There are so many homeless people, if we offer house for all of them, that will increase the burden of our country’s tax renevue
Not every people want to accept those homeless people, They must consider the safety of life and property
The taxpayer can’t enjoy country’s welfare.But those homeless people can enjoy more welfare without paying tax. This is unfair for those tax payer
The money china used on the welfare is less than the half that USA and UK paid. But for the house, now our country decreases the cost of other fields. This will of course lag the education, health care and other fields

Topic2:raising the drinking age to 25
Drinking will lull people’s will.It will be good for the young’s health developing if we delay the drinking age
A lot young people just drown their unhappiness in wine, they don’t want to face the problem.If we can raise the drinking age,it will help them to face the difficults
To our knowledge, about 10000 youths get alcoholism or became disability due to much drinking.if we can rise the dring age, these accidents will be reduced a lot

We can learn india, their legal age to drink is 25 years old, and their accidents caused by much drink is much more fewer
Drinking also brings some benefits, for example Appropriate drinking can reduce the rate of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes disease
If they do want to run away from the questions, They will still find other way even you rise the drinking age. They may choose more extreme way, for example ,take drugs
some related statistics show that the average age in the world to drink is between 17-21.Whey should our country rise it to 25
A lot people drink because drinking can relieve the pressure, sometimes it can also make people brave. Why should we rise the drinking age if there are so many advantages
The youths’ curiosity is very strong. The more we don’t let them drink, the more they will drink secrectly. This will be no good

Wine is the necessity nomatter in business or parties.Dring is necessary.If you don’t drink,you will be not polit.
Why should we rise the age to drink, we can drink appropriately
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-28 12:15


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