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Forever and for Always 歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-20 13:38
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-29 04:10
歌曲名:Forever and for Always
歌手:Shania Twain

Shania Twain - Forever And For Always
In your arms I can still feel the way
you want me when you hold me
I can still hear the words you whispered
when you told me
I can stay right here forever in your arms
And there ain't no way--
I'm lettin' you go now
And there ain't no way--
and there ain't no how
I'll never see that day....
'Cause I'm keeping you
forever and for always
We will be together all of our days
Wanna wake up every morning
to your sweet face--always
Mmmm, baby
In your heart--I can still hear a beat
for every time you kiss me
And when we're apart,
I know how much you miss me
I can feel your love for me in your heart
(I wanna wake up every morning)
In your eyes--(I can still seethe look of the one)
I can still see
the look of the one who really loves me
(I can still feel the way that you want)
The one who wouldn't put anything else
in the world above me
(I can still see love for me)
I can still see love for me in your eyes
(I still see the love)
'Cause I'm keeping you
forever and for always
We will be together all of our day
Wanna wake up every morning
to your sweet face--always
to your sweet face
I'm keeping you forever and for always
I'm in your arms



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