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connectives(连接词) 作14句(急)

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-06 01:03
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-13 04:16
1I looked the job for many days,finally,I got the job at the supermarket.
2.The little girl broke his leg,for this reason,he was sent to the hospital.
3.There are many places to go,for
instance,China,Uk and Japan.
4.He has to go home now,however,there is no taxi.
5.I would like to go Japan and Korea at this time.
6.The plural of shelf is shelves.Similarly,the plural of wolf is wolves.
7.I can not go to school now because I am sick.
8.They can not go outside this day because of the bad weather.
9.They go to save the little girl despite it is very dangerous.
10.The old man treats the little dog as hie son.
11.There are two things we have to do.Firstly,we should clean the house;secondly,we have to wash the clothes.
12.we should study hard at this time,on the other hand,we have to keep the pace with the world.
13.He eats the breakfast quickly ,then he goes to school.
14.To begin with the jokes,he receives the welcome from his people.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-13 04:21
1.Our study group spent 3 weeks to do the reseach, and finally we got all the information that we need.

2.For this reason, she can not go out with her parents and must stay with her grandpa.

3. There are many good places to visit. For instance, Sydney is one of the good places to visit.

4.Our teacher promised to take us on a field trip. However, he changed his mind last week.

5.You and Tom achieved the highest marks in the maths competition.

6.Similarly, all high school students and middle school students need enough time to study to pass exams.

7.I was late for school yesterday because I got up late.

8. I was very tired last night because of the huge amounts of homework.

9.All the students went to school on time,despite the bad weather.

10.I went to bed early as I was very tired.

11. To win the basketball game,firstly, you must practise more hard, and secondly, you must work on teamwork.

12. The capital cost of automatingis higher than putting on more staff. On the other hand, employing more people is more expensive over a long term.

13.You should have enough rest, then you can have fresh brain to study better.

14. To begin with, I would like to acknowledge the director of XXX organization.


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