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Simple Man (Lp Version) 歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-06 01:17
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-02 06:08
歌曲名:Simple Man (Lp Version)
歌手:Confederate Railroad
专辑:Keep On Rockin'

Simple man
Don't Get Comfortable
Brandon Heath
Keep on keepin' on believin'
You've never given me a reason to drop my faith
And I won't leave You
Just for the sake of leavin'
Cause I got every reason to stay
It's a good little time to settle down my world
But You took a hold of me
And then I told You
I promise to stand for You
But you gotta tell me what's it gonna be
Yeah yeah
I'm just a simple man
A little part of a bigger plan
Everything that gives me worth, God, it's You
You You
So take the rest of me
Cause You got the best of me
Everything good in me comes from You
God all of me hides in You
Oh God my home is Your hands
Within me, into the world You send me
Now I gotta tell the truth to everyone that I can
Yeah yeah
I'm just a simple man
A little part of a bigger plan
Everything that gives me worth, God, it's You
You You
So take the rest of me
Cause You got the best of me
Everything good in me comes from You
You You
I'm just a simple man
A little part of a bigger plan
Everything that gives me worth, God, it's You
You You
So take the rest of me
Cause you got the best of me
Everything good in me comes from You
Everything that gives me worth, God, it's You
Keep on keepin' on believin'



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