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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-14 02:29
热心网友 回答时间:5秒前
ression, how much will also to jealousy from beginning to end the day felt disappointed, uncontrollable, until the next thing beautiful beginning of, just can ignore a thing bring displeasure, sometimes is not a thorough it.Mr. Bean ~ ~ funny is a show, maybe we also that funny Mr. Bean, but his funny behavior is revealed in the obvious is that we laugh, while our funny only oneself know and deeply hidden, fear of others see fear others know the funniest own appearance. I also imagination, a mirror to make themselves in all perform, stairs (this is my favorite ha ha), pretend to be someone else to see me.I envied him his can unbridled, can dance, can face ferocious, can equivocate, can not understand just doesn't understand, can go out of pocket suit wayward the pistol, can coax side bear meimei's go to sleep, can so no disguise madness, could be happy in a population of doing don't fool. Mr. Bean in hospital in jenifer bedside say "wakey, wakey, jenifer? Breakfast 's comments. Jenifer?" This sentence when I brush wept.(is bittersweet ah bittersweet ~) I want to rise high school every morning mother standing in bedside wake me up scenarios... "For dinner." Now leaves the clock, or artificial comparative kind, still can appropriate take various sleeping posture in order to achieve the purpose of delay the time. The alarm clock heartless ah ~ suddenly remembered that primary school of half a proposition, t


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