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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-14 02:31
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-07 02:37
The blackboard is posted on the college entrance examination countdownbrand, position ten figures have little to no longer a small. Brands against the last test report card, a thin piece of paper, decided the fate of so many people......
The bell rang, the dream Jin twisted her slender waist came to Yang Xueying's desk, provocative look at her,
"Yo, big woman, really feel shy, I accidentally took your first position, will berecommended to the British university, is really happy!"
Yang Xue entangles the heads didn't lift to say, to solve a long formula, onlyas table I, to see her trembling hands and red eyes.
"Less hypocritical! You are sincerely congratulate me? Heart point uncertain how jealous of me! Ha ha ha.
Dream Jin Zhang scarlet mouth, like a fairy like...... No, she is a fairy, a mouthful swallow people's self-esteem and rational. I don't like Yang Xueying bear, "enough of you, dream of Jin, who is false you know best, firstyou is what despicable means to get the whole school knows." Students with a usually test always reciprocal, unless it has been transformed by aliens,otherwise how will suddenly admitted to the top? It is not because the first place in the last test will be recommended UK university, not because of herrich father!
Li Qingqian. You, you......" A few words of Jane's dream of a red face a white, finally walk the walk.
"Clearly, thank you." Snow entangles smiled at me. This girl is really let a person feel distressed, single parent families made her weak character, butalso gave her motivation of learning. Study hard, can let the bear bitter hardships raise her mother to live a good life, but who can think of, break down from constant overwork mother, haven't had time to look at the daughter college entrance examination, died.
回复6楼2012-02-16 13:29
Reply 6 building 2012-02-16 13:29
Their happy date seems but a dream. 7
At the end of May, the morning air is no longer cool hot, let a person do notwant to get up.
Pulled the quilt over the head, in an enclosed space Dakoutaikou panting,head is all last night, grandma on the phone voice of concern. The blind ten years old lady bear bitter hardships to bring me up, I must Study hard to repay her, she asked I simulated exam results last night, I even don't know how to answer.
The lungs accumulated too much carbon dioxide so that I can not breathe,a moment to pull down quilt, a burst eardrum can penetrate the screams were heard in the dormitory corridor.
After a while, the originally quiet morning became boiling.
The corridors of the voice is more and more big, noisy heart sick. I jumped out of bed to go outside to look, the travel time to sweep an eye above the bed, empty.
The girls in the three layer and three layer to the toilet enclosed by abursting at the seams, I managed to squeeze into the bathroom door, of greet is a beach has dried up blood, spread out from the insidecompartment.
Could not help but burst stomach churning, turned to go, but the girl nextcall
"Clearly, wake up just stunned girl said, there......" She pointed at the end of the pool of blood, "is your roommate, Yang Xueying."
I don't believe that looked at her, she washed me Mr. naozui, motioned meto see will know.
I trembled to walked to walk in, opened the door of the innermost......Although already prepared, but still scared legs a soft, fell to the ground.
Yang Xueying stared at the empty eyes, looked directly at me, her face, with blood all over, with a very twisted position, sit on the toilet next to......
I was a dormitory teacher half dragged and half hold to pull out of the bathroom, can't help glancing back, eyes that empty as always with me.
Then. I hear from far and near the siren.
Long son.
Small bar 9
Good good, refueling ~ ~
Their happy date seems but a dream. 7
"Death is the main artery to cut off the neck of the tool, based on lividity,concluded that the initial time of death in the last night, eleven PM to a point between the murder weapon, beside the body of the toilet, no fingerprints,is killed, a monitoring system of the dormitory door, no one entry, so the murderer is still building, we are blood tests were conducted on the corridor,later there will be results."
With a notebook in his hand the police report, withdrew from the lounge.The house leaving the police captain Jin Shen, dreams, and I still have a lingering fear.
"Put your left, because you are the dead roommate," Shen captain looked at me, and looked to the dream Jin, "while the deceased's last message, is sent to you." Glancing at my dream Jin, her face was more than just a lot ofpale, his hands holding the sofa cushion, dyed bright nail like to scratch it generally deep inside, joint white.
"Yang Xueying points out from the room?" Shen captain asked, side pulls out a notebook.
"Nine o'clock, she said she would go to the study room, I didn't think,straight to sleep...... Who knows...... Who knows......"
I have little say not bottom go to, we two are quiet people, three years as aroommate, sit at the same table, all live together every day, although notlike other girls play sisters love, but also has been in the care of each other,and there is a profound friendship.
Shen captain again see Xiang Mengjin, "what is the content of the message?"
"Didn't what, too late I slept, mimihuhu look and deleted, also didn't care."Dream Jin voice just fell, the police also came in just now.


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