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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-04 10:20
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-04 13:41
Meining company is located in the Create Instrial Park in Suining City,with a total property of 362 million yuan , a ratio of liabilities which is 37.2 percent,and 1600 employees. It operates 9 constituent companies,including Sichuan Meining,Meining Qingzhen and so on.We promote a diversified economy ,for we manage canned food mainly and take part in many other fields,such as the Qingzhen food instry ,city water supply and tradement.
Meining is a very important company ring the agriculture-instrialized procere in our country.It's also a national demonstrative company for agricultural procts processing .This company is a first class company in exporting canned meat.In Sichuan Province ,it's the only company that passed the check of American FDA.At the same time,it provides with canned food as military supplies.What's more ,it's the largest canned meat processing company in the western part of China and the named canned food company of China medical association.
Meining treats procts' quality as life ,and emphasize the exploitation of market.The marketing system aboard is so complete that procts are sold to more than 40 countries ,like America,Canada,Japan,France and Russia .And the demand for these goods always exceeds the supply.
"Meining" is a well-known trademark of China .The company runs capital well .It has been considered as the AA+ credit class company in the past three years and AAA credic class company by the provincial Agricultural development Bank in 2006.
Meining food is created by heart.And we Meining people always make unremitting efforts to provide consumers with food which is good for their health.
After the output of the "Meining Ecological Food Scientific Park" which has been invested 342 million yuan reaches the expected quantity,the company will be able to proce 120 thousand tons cans and butcher 100 thousand beefs a year.
As we plan, Meining will be in the first two places of national can trade,with output value of 3.2 billion yuan ,interest tax of 300 million yuan,export income of 150 million dollars,providing 3300 job oppotunities and helping 3 million peasant householders enlarge their income.Meining makes China famous brand!



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