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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-18 09:21
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-03 02:41
1. 一直在等待,等待你回来的那天,向日葵开满园,我和你实现我们的誓言。我就像那向日葵,一直在追寻,追寻那温暖的太阳,追寻美丽的你。
I have been waiting for the day you would come back, when sunflowers were blooming all around the garden. Then our oath shall be realized. It's just like sunflowers, who are always tracking down the warm sun, and your beauty.
Sunflowers blossomed, but I shall never see you again. In front of sunflowers, I can see you somehow. I didn't cry , so did sunflowers. I knew they could feel my sorrow.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-03 02:42
1.Wait, wait for when you came back, the sunflower is full of the garden, you and I realized our oath. I have been pursuing, has pursued that warm sun, pursue you beautiful just like that sunflower
2.The sunflower has been driven, but I can not see you again, I stand before the sunflower, seem to see your face, not crying, because the sunflower has not cried for either, I know it can feel I am sad
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-03 02:42
1.I was always waiting for that, waited for you come back that day, the sunflower opens the full garden, I and you realize our pledge.I on that sunflower, continuously am tracking down likely, track down that warm sun, tracks down beautiful you.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-03 02:43
1.i always waiting ,waiting for the day you come back.sunflowers blossom out the whole garden. you and me together come true our pledge .and the sunflowers like me , to chase ,chase the warming sun and beauty --you!
2.the sunflowers blossomed,but i can see you no longer . i stand here in front of the sunflowers as if look your face no crying as well as the sunflowers., i know they can feel my sorrow.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-03 02:44
I have always been waitng,waiting for the day you come back.Sunflowers bloom full in the garden and you and me realize our oath.I am just like the sunflower,who has been pursuing,pursuing the warm sun and beutiful you.
1.The sunflowers bloom,but i will never see you again.I stand in front of them,just imagining your face.No tears,because the sunflowers don't weep either.I know it makes me feel sad
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-03 02:44
Im still waiting for the day you'll come back. I always imagine that we'll meet again in a sunflower garden, in there, we make our wishes come true . Just like a sunflower always follows the warm radiant sun, I will always follow after the ever beautiful you .

2. The sunflower is in full bloom, but I'll never see you again. I stand in front of the sunflower, i can see your face, but no tears. Sunflowers don't cry, but i know they feel my sadness and sorrow.




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