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谁有《every moment of my life》这首歌的中文歌词

提问网友 发布时间:2024-03-28 18:59
热心网友 回答时间:2024-03-28 23:33
Sarah Connor - Every Moment Of My Life 生命中的每一刻 Everytime I leave to head out on the road 每次当我上路 I wanna take you with me to save me from the cold 都想与你同去,让我风寒无惧 No matter where I go wrong 无论做错何事 You'll be there to turn it into right 你都及时出现,帮我搞定一切 I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生 When I'm on an airplane, flyin' cross the sky 当我乘坐飞机,飞越九霄云外 I know you're on a trainride, stations passin' by 你却挤上火车,经过每个小站 No matter what the signs say 无论命运如何 However in my mind you are by my side 你都在我心里,时刻形影不离 I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生 Everyone misses something 思念无处不在 And I know time changes everything 我知道时间能改变一切 All the love that you have to give 包括你对我的一片深情 You should give just as lost as you're holding that someone 但你在我身边,就要好好对我 I'd travel cross the great lakes to get to where you are 我愿穿越万水千山,只为追随你的脚步 And even if forever wouldn't be too far 即使永远没有多远,为你我也在所不惜 So baby when you asked me 所以每当你恳求我 To be the leading lady by your side 做你身边的女主角 I promised to love you every moment of my life 我都许下承诺,我将爱你终生 Everyone misses something 思念无处不在 And I know time changes everything 我知道时间能改变一切 All the love that you have to give 包括你对我的一片深情 You should give just as lost as you're holding that someone 但你在我身边,就要好好对我 Everytime I leave to head out on the road 每次当我上路 I wanna take you with me to save me from the cold 都想与你同去,让我风寒无惧 No matter where I go wrong 无论做错何事 You'll be there to turn it into right 你都及时出现,帮我搞定一切 I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生 When I'm on an airplane, flyin' cross the sky 当我乘坐飞机,飞越九霄云外 I know you're on a trainride, stations passin' by 你却挤上火车,经过每个小站 No matter what the signs say 无论命运如何 However in my mind you are by my side 你都在我心里,时刻形影不离 I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生 I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生 Love you every moment of my life…… 爱你终生……



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