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提问网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 02:14
热心网友 回答时间:2023-11-02 09:29
Book Report

I have been reading a book for many days. The books name is CAT AND MOUSE IN A HAUNTED HOUSE. It is telling about Geronimo Stilton who is a newspaper mouse who runs newspaper in New Mouse City—the capital of Mouse island.

On one night of October, he decided to visit his aunt, Sweetfur. But he got lost when he was driving through the Dark Forest because of the foggy. Then his car was out of gas. He thought “I wish I was at home”.

Suddenly there was a lightning in the sky and he saw a big castle. When he walked closer to the front door, he saw two stone cats and a sign that says: To Canny Cat’s castle. The door bell was in one stone cat’s mouth. When Geronimo was deciding to go into the castle, it starts to rain, so he went into the castle……

At last Geronimo’s sister, little nephew Benjamin and his cousin Trap all came and helped him find out all of two little cat. They don’t want others to come into the castle because the castle is their ancestor Canny Cat’s. So they make many tricks.

After reading this story, I think it’s very interesting, and I had a lot of fun. My favorite character is Geronimo’s nephew Benjamin. Because he is very cute and clever, he always observes every detail. He found out the foot prink on the floor and the nail on the wall. In the story it shows Geronimo is a very timid mouse that always scared himself.

I like this story very much, so I’ll still read more this set of book.


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