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提问网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 10:17
热心网友 回答时间:2023-10-23 10:20
Dear mom and dad:
This is the first time I write to you, I want to write down my heart.
You as I spent many a sleepless night, you to how many tears I shed. Youorder me to pay how much, I could never repay you, I also know, you musthave thought I return you what, but I will never forget, when you get old I willwith the greatest ability to repay you, when I grew up in the sun, but you willgraally aging, worry and sorrow make wrinkles climb up you be light of heart from care face.
Mom and Dad, in your care, I have spent ten years full of joy. You arealways the best thing for me. I have a nice bedroom, exquisite learningactivities, the school outstanding conditions. I like the fairy tale "little princess", be light of heart from care growth. Mom and Dad, I want to say to you, you are very good to me.
For ten years, you carefully nurtured me, made me grow up a happy every day. But you actually did not know how much I shed sweat and tears. Mom and Dad, I will never let you down, you are for me the wings, I will use it to the most powerful wings, fly to the vast ocean of knowledge.
Father's love, silent love. Dad, you in my memory is always severe.
I and you rarely seem to have a joke. Occasionally and you kidding, but later always feel very uncomfortable. You are always so calm silentmountain. But in any case, I know that everything you do is good for me.
Parents, the parents gave us life, is the meticulous concern for the growth of our parents, is, in our most difficult times, we stand out maintenance,solve our problems... The above points, I think, only the parents will not seek, unconditional obligation to give of yourself. So, each of us must learn to be grateful.


自己考上大学独立了写信给父母的英语作文 开学后学生给父母的一封信 求一篇给父母的信,关于大学生活的,600字 华为手机桌面上的时间和天气图标不小心弄丢了,怎么找回啊 过路的姐妹们请停留一会,给我推荐一些你们觉得好看的古代耽美文,穿书主受的那种了,穿书!主受! 主受穿书养成病娇攻的耽美小说 求穿书耽美文最好主受 主受穿书文,不虐的 末世穿书耽美文主受 耽美穿书文主受文现代 穿书末世主受 穿越到自己写的文的耽美小说 推荐或上传 求好看的耽美穿书文越多越好 主受拜托 求穿书 主受 年下 黑化(攻)的文。结局HE的,谢谢。 什么求组词 快穿耽美主受,不要虐! 求穿书耽美宠文主受 煮粽子要多长时间 抖音可以在电脑上看吗 笔记本用背包好还是电脑包好 给爸妈的一封信 新生儿的鼻屎较硬,宝妈该如何进行清理? 新生儿鼻屎应该怎么清理 宝宝硬了的鼻屎怎么弄下来? 怎么帮新生儿清理鼻屎 新生儿有鼻屎怎么办 清理鼻屎需小心 新生儿宝宝的鼻屎不能硬掏,有什么好用妙招? 碳纤维地暖的优缺点 笔记本电脑是铝合金外壳的好,还是碳纤维的好些? 为什么我的支付宝中没有花呗选项? 想取消花呗,我的支付宝怎么没显示提示的页面 为什么我支付的时候不显示花呗支付? 百度地图怎么连接汽车 百度地图上的标志,车子倾斜什么意思? 百度地图新增长途汽车查询在哪里? 百度地图中类似小汽车的图标是什么 怎么成为百度地图专车 windows怎么创建新的账户 怎么创建hp账户 为什么民用飞机在起飞时要滑行很久?