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模型飞机 c-160 transall 详细图纸

提问网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 09:15
热心网友 回答时间:2023-07-07 23:38
C-160 Transall with Air Refueling BOOM


This is a very puzzling German patent drawing.

I don't know if (a) the patent is for the integration of an American refueling boom with the C-160 or (b) the development of a German refueling boom.

The Transall is a bit small for a refueling platform, although Germany had more than enough C-160s on hand as conversion candidates.

The second alternative is even more interesting because of the current EADS Air Refueling Boom System (ARBS).

It is worth noting that France had 10 C-160 NG refueling tankers, although I don't know if the equipment was supplied FRL or Sargent Fletcher?

Interesting discovery indeed ! And a new version for my Transall collection. ;)
Although the german F-4F Phantoms weren't cleared for in-flight refuelling, AFAIK,
maybe the receptacle wasn't even installed . And all other aircraft capable of
in-flight refuelling are using the hose-and-drogue system, so this patent really
is puzzling .

What we need are the patent claims. If the drawing is simply to illustrate some technical point in the patent, there is no reason to suppose that it was intended actually to refuel Phantoms from Transalls, nor even to build a Transall with a boom.

With the Phantom you're probably right, I think, but as the drawing shows the
boom installation on what appears to be a new cargo ramp, at least the probability
is quite high, that the patent is aimed at the Transall.
But realy, we need the source of the drawings ! ;)

Quote from: Jemiba on July 29, 2007, 01:27:26 pm

With the Phantom you're probably right, I think, but as the drawing shows the
boom installation on what appears to be a new cargo ramp, at least the probability
is quite high, that the patent is aimed at the Transall.
But realy, we need the source of the drawings ! ;)

I believe that the patent number (2572607) is in the up right hand corner of the drawing. I also included the assignee (Dornier) and the year (1983) in the title.

If I remember correctly, it was impossible to save the .pdf format patent as a single file, so I saved the drawings. In any case, the claims might have been in German. I am not an expert at searching European patents, and I really don't know what prefix is used for an older German patent?


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热心网友 回答时间:2023-07-07 23:38

Specifications (Transall C-160D)

Orthographic projection of a Transall C-160
General characteristics

* Crew: five - two pilots, flight engineer, tactics officer, Loadmaster
* Capacity: cargo or up to 80 troops
* Payload: 16,000 kg (32,300 lb)
* Length: 32.40 m (106 ft 4 in)
* Wingspan: 40.00 m (131 ft 3 in)
* Height: 12.36 m (38 ft 3 in)
* Wing area: 160 m² (1,721 ft²)
* Empty weight: 30,000 kg (62,700 lb)
* Loaded weight: 46,000 kg (103,400 lb)
* Max takeoff weight: 49,150 kg (112,200 lb)
* Powerplant: 2× Rolls-Royce Tyne 22 turboprops, 4,225 kW (5,565 hp [1]) each


* Maximum speed: 513 km/h (319 mph)
* Range: 1,850 km (1,150 miles)
* Service ceiling: 8,230 m (30,000 ft)
* Rate of climb: 6.67 m/s (1,312 ft/min)
* Wing loading: 294 kg/m² (60 lb/ft²)
* Power/mass: 180 W/kg (0.11 hp/lb)


* Flight management system
* Laser-INS (inertial navigation system)
* TCAS II collision avoidance system

Transall Gabriel from French Air Force (EEA 1/54 Dunkerque)
Transall Gabriel from French Air Force (EEA 1/54 Dunkerque)
A German Transall of the Luftwaffe dropping cargo
A German Transall of the Luftwaffe dropping cargo

[edit] Military operators

Flag of France France

* Armee de l'Air

Flag of Germany Germany

* Luftwaffe

Flag of South Africa South Africa

* South African Air Force

Flag of Turkey Turkey

* Turkish Air Force

[edit] Civil operators

Flag of France France

* Air France on behalf of French Postal Service

Flag of Indonesia Indonesia

* Manunggal Air Service

Flag of Switzerland Switzerland

* Balair



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