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提问网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 17:34
热心网友 回答时间:2023-10-24 06:18
It all depends. And it varies from student to student.First of all, you have to get a clear knowledge of yourself. What kind of type are you fit into? That is to say that you are more customed to reading the whole passage to get the main idea or you can scan the passage to get what you want in a few seconds.Next, once you have an idea of your type, then work out the best strategy for yourself and you will surely benefit from it.After that, do a certain amount of exercises to enhance your comprehension skills and get used to the route of the CET band-4 test.Finally, wish you success.
热心网友 回答时间:2023-10-24 06:18
It all depends. And it varies from student to student.First of all, you have to get a clear knowledge of yourself. What kind of type are you fit into? That is to say that you are more customed to reading the whole passage to get the main idea or you can scan the passage to get what you want in a few seconds.Next, once you have an idea of your type, then work out the best strategy for yourself and you will surely benefit from it.After that, do a certain amount of exercises to enhance your comprehension skills and get used to the route of the CET band-4 test.Finally, wish you success.


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