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always running out of time

提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-29 22:47
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 21:39
Running Out Of Time
Hot Hot Heat

Witless, humorless conversation
Has filled me up like an old gas station
I'm wallowing in a pool of gasoline

Self appointed sheriff of a popular ghost town
I'm open to bribes but I've arrested no one
I'm galloping off to meet my bride to be
She'll woo the saloon then sing us both to sleep

But... I'm running out of time
I'm running out of time
I'm running out of time
I've run out of time

Drop dead gorgeous art history drop out
Thought her father ought to pay for her to clear the whole shop out
She carries her cameras in hand to complete the look

Screenplay players co-writing a screenplay
Cotton candy for the eyes but cotton balls for the brain
He thinks to himself, "Thank God the bar's not too high."
Just look at his face and then you'll see why

But... I'm running out of time
I'm running out of time
I'm running out of time
I've run out of time

Hollywood waiter with a chip on his shoulder
Only break has been his back and yet he's just getting older
He's washing his clothes in a sink of self-pity

Retired ball player guest-hosting a talk show
Earned a trophy and a wife and twice he's won the lotto
I'm running away but don't know who from or why
Just look in his eyes and then you'll see why

I'm running out of time
I'm running out of time
I'm running out of time
I've run out of time

I'm running out of time
I'm running out of time
I'm running out of time
I've run out of time



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