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Because The Night (Riffs & Rays Mix) 歌词

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热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-29 10:51
歌曲名:Because The Night (Riffs & Rays Mix)
专辑:Because The Night (Remixes)

Cascada - Because The Night
Take me now, baby,
here as I am
Hold me close,
try and understand
Desire is hunger
is the fire I breathe
Love is a banquet
on which we feed
Come on now,
try and understand
The way I feel
when I need your hand
Take my hand,
come under cover
They can't hurt you now
can't hurt you now,
can't hurt you now
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to love
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to love
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
Have I a doubt,
baby when I'm alone
Love is a ring
on the telephone
Love is an angel,
disguised as lust
Here in our bed
'til the morning comes
Come on now,
try and understand
The way I feel,
under your command
Take my hand,
and the sun resets
They can't hurt you now
can't hurt you now,
can't hurt you now
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to love
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to love
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us



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