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提问网友 发布时间:2023-11-19 06:51
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-17 04:49
  文章题目 The influence of social network to people's loneliness
  重复年份 20230920 20230622
  题材 人文社科

  题型 配对 6+选择 4+判断 4
  文章题目 Expert in musician
  重复年份 20230130 20230517
  题材 人文社科
  题型 选择 4+判断 6+填空 4
  文章题目 Newly Hatched birds
  重复年份 20230430 20230718 20230821 20230922
  题材 动物
  题型 暂无
  文章大意 有一种通过敲击蛋壳加速蛋的孵化,并解释了同时孵化的原因。后面又比较了各种鸟的喂食方式。
  参考阅读: The changes in body weight and composition were examined in broilers that either had immediate access to feed and water or had not been fed for 48 h posthatch. Chicks without access to feed decreased in BW by 7.8% in the 48 h posthatch, which was equivalent to 5.3 kcal/45 g chick/d. However, ring this period the small intestines increased in weight and protein content by 80% or more. The decrease in yolk fat and protein could account for most of the changes in body composition in the feed-deprived chick. In contrast, fed chicks grew by 5 g and used 4.5 kcal/d for maintenance; ring this period small intestines increased in weight by 110%. Intestinal absorption of exogenous nutrients was determined from hatch through 4 d posthatch by administration of a bolus of labeled glucose, methionine, or oleic acid, together with a nonabsorbed reference substance. Absorption of fatty acids was more than 80% at hatch and was higher than that of glucose and methionine, which was low especially when the bolus was administered as a solution. Absorption of all components tested increased with age and was more than 80% on Day 4. Duodenal in situ uptake determinations in hatching chicks indicated that uptake of oleic acid was high from yolk and saline solutions compared with glucose and methionine, which exhibited low uptake from yolk but higher uptake from saline solutions. These studies indicate that, although the small intestine has the capacity to absorb carbohydrates and amino acids at hatch, uptake may be dependant on the development of suitable conditions, including sufficient pancreatic and brush border enzymes for digestion and adequate sodium for function of the glucose-sodium cotransporters.
  文章题目 The Grimme Fairy Tale
  重复年份 20230704 20230313
  题材 文学
  题型 判断 6+单选 4+选词填空 4
  27. N the Grimme brother knew they would gain international fame, the lasting
  fame would shock the Grimmes
  28. NG the Grimmes were inforced to do work of their own secret
  29. Y the sales of Fairy Tale in England was higher than in German
  30. NG
  31. Y some parents still thought the Fiary Tale was not good for their children
  32. N the fairy Tale author considered the man who made contribution to the
  story of Cinderella as the original model


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