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提问网友 发布时间:2023-10-20 06:02
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 18:51

The weather is one of the most commonly talked about topics. It is something that we have to face eveyday. The weather affects every moment of our lives. For example, time of an outing, the location or the clothing one wears. The effect of the weather on agricultural crops is one that cannot be ignored. It decides when the crops are planted, harvested and how much water needs to be provided. Pleasant weather will lead to bountiful harvests. people also look at weather for philosophical ideas. An example is 'after the storm comes the rainbow'. Ocassionally, the weather has some positive effects on us. However, it is not always well received by the masses. For example, deserts, tundras, hurricanes. We are looking for the law of the weather to benefit mankind. The weather affect the mood of the people. For example, sunny weather brightens our mood, rainy days depresses it. Whatever the weather, it is a gift of nature that make our world colourful. The different weather brings about different feelings, making us feel that every day is not the same. With every new day, comes new changes. Each type of weather has its own special beauty.

热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-16 18:52
The weather is people most often talk about the topic, the weather is every day we have to face things, the weather does not affect our life, such as, travel time, locations, what kind of clothes to wear. The influence of weather on crops is not allow to neglect, it decided the when sowing, when harvest, the water how much water, good weather will bring great harvest. People are very good at from the weather for philosophy, such as "do not experience wind and rain can see rainbow" "cloudy rainy days later must be sunny day", the weather to our influence sometimes is an advantage, but not all of the weather are lovable, such as st storms, snow, a tornado. But we are looking for the weather of the law for the benefit of the human. The weather ?


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