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提问网友 发布时间:2023-10-19 10:52
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-04 09:16
Check this out. Check this out.
Yo! This guy's a choke artist!
You catch a bad one, you better off shootin' yourself with Papa Doc's handgun
Climbin' up this mountain You're weak, I leaveyou lost without a paddle
Floatin'up shit's creek You ain't Detroit, I'm the "D'
You the new kid on the block 'bout to get smacked back to the boondocks
Fuckin' Nazi Your squad ain't your type Take some real advice
And form a group with Vanilla Ice
And what I tell you You better use it This guy's a hillbilly
This ain't Willie Nelson music
Trailertrash, I'll choke you to your last breath And have you look foolish
Like Cheddar Bobwhen he shot himself Silly Rabbit
I knowwhythey call you that 'Causeyou follow Future
Like he got carrots up his ass crack
And when you acted up That's when you got jacked up and act stupid
Like Tina Turner when she got smacked up
I crackyour shoulder blade You'll get dropped so hard
That Elvis'll start turnin' in his grave
Now I knowwhythey left you out in the dark
Take your white ass back across 8 Mile to the trailer park

Oh, no, oh! Okay, okay, okay. Okay, okay.

Very nice, very nice! Let me get that mike, man! Pretty good, pretty good!

Hip-hop 1 01! Hey, Bunny Rabbit! It's your turn, baby!

Forty-five seconds! Let this mother*er feel it!

A'ight?! Yo, D!J!, spin that shit!

Hey, yo!

This guy raps like his parents jerked him He sounds like Erick Sermon

You want a German, eh That's okay, you look like a *in' worm with braids

These Leadaz Of Tha Free World rookies Lookie

How could six dicks be pussies

Talkin'bout shit's creek Bitch,you could be up piss creek with paddles

This deep You're still gonna sink You're a disgrace

Yeah, they call me Rabbit. This is a turtle race

He can't get with me spittin' this shit wickedly lyckety-shot

- A spick-a-spickety, Split-Lickety - Oh, no, no!

I'm gonna turn around with a smile and walk mywhite ass back across 8 Mile



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