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提问网友 发布时间:2024-03-28 15:09
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-05 12:47
I apologize to her for my ruddness.
When he is upset, he’ d like to sit quietly for hours.
You should take your upcoming final exam seriously.
Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal.
The manager is quite satisfied with the new comer’s performance.
It started to rain at the moment we got home.
No matter you go with me or stay at home, I’ll go.
You just try, but you won’t make it.
He fell asleep while reading.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-05 12:50
1. I own an apology to her rude behavior.
2. Depression, he always sit-in a few hours.
3. You should take seriously the upcoming final exams.
4. Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal.
5.'s New staff has been performing well, his manager was satisfied.
6. We have a home, began to rain.
7. Whether you are a piece of me is to stay at home, I have to go.
8. Even though you try it, but you will never succeed.
9. When he fell asleep reading.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-05 12:50
I apologize to her for my rudeness.
He usually sits alone quietly for hours when he is in low mood.
You should prepare seriously for the coming final exam.
Our ultimate goal is to satisfy the clients.
The new employee shapes up,which satisfied the manager.
No sooner had we arrived home than it started to rain.
I will go whether you come with me or stay at home.
Try as you wish. You won't make it.
He fell asleep when reading.
热心网友 回答时间:2024-05-05 12:47
1. I apologize to her for my rudeness.
2. He always sit quietly when he is down in spirits.
3. You should got ready for the final exams.
4. Our objective is make the customer approvingly.
5. New clerk'job performance is good, the manager is satisfied with him.
6. We had just arrived home when it began to rain.
7. Whether you go with me or stay at home. I will go.
8. You just try. but you never come to the success.
9. He fell asleep when he was reading.


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