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提问网友 发布时间:2024-04-16 03:56
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-19 00:32
This book briefly the development of the drag from dc and status of double closed loop control began, system, trigger circuit, KZ-D system, main circuit overvoltage and over current protection, logic no circulation system are analyzed in detail, and combined with dc motor of speed, pressure regulating designed a set of suitable for LongMenBao drag surge speed regulation system. At present, the pressure regulating speed has become the dc motor speed control the main way, and with the new control theory and power electronic technology related to the development of the technology, and in many areas are still a wide range of applications. Pressure regulating speed is the modern of the rapid development of the power electronic technology and control theory developed on the basis of. The idea is to change the current motor armature current to speed, with can achieve dc motor control effect.That's can give you a good thing
热心网友 回答时间:2024-04-19 00:34
This paper briefly the development of the drag from dc and status of double closed loop control began, system, trigger circuit, KZ-D system, main circuit overvoltage and over current protection, logic no circulation system are analyzed in detail, and combined with dc motor of speed, pressure regulating designed a set of suitable for LongMenBao drag surge speed regulation system.
At present, the pressure regulating speed has become the dc motor speed control the main way, and with the new control theory and power electronic technology related to the development of the technology, and in many areas are still a wide range of applications. Pressure regulating speed is the modern of the rapid development of the power electronic technology and control theory developed on the basis of. The idea is to change the current motor armature current to speed, with can achieve dc motor control effect.


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